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BODYSOUL DAY in Capetown, S.A. with Sybil Fuller, informed by BodySoul Rhythms

  • Capetown, South Africa (map)
BodySoul Rhythms® is a combination of movement and creative expression which explores psyche and soma interface.

BodySoul Rhythms® is a combination of movement and creative expression which explores psyche and soma interface.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?
(Mary Oliver)
Explore this with Sybil Fuller, Jungian analyst (Zurich) In this work she interweaves her training in Somatic Experience with BodySoul Rhythms®. Sybil’s work is informed by a long practice of contemplation.
Cost: R600.00
Flyer HERE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE: January 12th 2020!
For more details contact